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All Rights Reserved Raffle 4 Rescue 2023

Whisker Walk Team Abel 

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Abel will be walking on his own this year,  hardly seems like a Team but with Nina Ann in his heart, Abel will walking proud for Big East Akita Rescue.

Sadly, we lost Nina Ann this year to Congestive Heart Failure and Abel will be walking for all the orphaned Akitas at B.E.A.R. to keep up the tradition. Abel lost his bestest friend ever Nina Ann who he has always walked with in the past. She'll always be at his side and is his heart. 

Abel is a special Akita with lots of love in his heart with the best personality ever.  He can't wait to help Big East Akita Rescue raise funds for all the Akitas in Rescue. Won't you help Abel help BEAR?

Keep watching, you  may even get to see Abel at his best, walking with a special new friend of his as well.