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All Rights Reserved Raffle 4 Rescue 2023

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Team McFluffin is thrilled to join our first Whisker Walk!!

Murph came to find his forever home through some pretty bizarre circumstances, quickly earning the title “The best free thing I ever found on the internet!” Loving his new life, Murph decided it was time for a friend, and begged me to check out BEAR. That's where we found Kira. She was recovering from a surgery I myself was facing, and it was a sign!

Off to New Jersey Murph and I went. Murph and Kira quickly became inseparable, and became known as the McFluffins, both adopted, both with very different backgrounds, but one major thing in common….they’re Akitas!!

We are walking to help Akitas in need, and most importantly help our friends at BEAR!!! 

No amount is too small! Please sponsor Murph and Kira  so they can reach their goal for BEAR!

Whisker Walk Team  McFluffin