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All Rights Reserved Raffle 4 Rescue 2023

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Team Milan reporting in for Whisker Walk duty! We unfortunately lost my big brother Orien in October, many knew him as he was an OG Whisker Walker, so I know I have some big paws to fill but with my two tiny human puppies by my side I know that we can make him and my mom proud! I clearly listen better than the two human puppies I get to play with ALL day, but I think I can get them to shape up before the Whisker Walk, even though the littlest one still doesn’t exactly walk… you know, we’re really all just works in progress.

Would you help us reach our goal this year, not only for the many Akitas at Big East Akita Rescue, but also for Orien so we can keep his name living on and help my mom feel a little better about losing her best boy? We couldn’t do it without you!


Milan and her human puppies Jace & Riley

Whisker Walk Team Milan